templates/home/show.html.twig line 1

  1. {% extends 'base2.html.twig' %}
  2. {% block title %}Nom du commerce{% endblock %}
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  23.           {% if vich_uploader_asset(shopForView, 'picture2') is not null %}
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  27.               src="{{ vich_uploader_asset(shopForView, 'picture2') }}" />
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  30.           {% endif %}
  31.           {% if vich_uploader_asset(shopForView, 'picture3') is not null %}
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  36.                 src="{{ vich_uploader_asset(shopForView, 'picture3') }}"
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  39.           </div>
  40.           {% endif %}
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  50.           {% endif %}
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  59.           </div>
  60.           {% endif %}
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  66.                 src="{{ vich_uploader_asset(shopForView, 'picture6') }}"
  67.               />
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  69.           </div>
  70.           {% endif %}
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  124.         <div class="flex flex-wrap mb-4">
  125.         <!-- Start - Show categories -->
  127.           {% for category in shopForView.categories %}
  128.           <span class="bg-yellow-500 text-xs text-white rounded-full px-4 py-1 flex items-center mr-1 mb-3">   
  129.                             <span class="badge bg-warning text-dark">{{ category.name }}</span>
  130.           </span>
  131.           {% endfor %}
  133.         <!-- END - Show categories -->
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  141.               >
  142.                 {{shopForView.name}}
  143.               </h4>
  145.               {% if shopForView.verified == true %}
  146.               <svg
  147.                 xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
  148.                 class="h-5 w-5 text-green-500"
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  169.                   d="M5.05 4.05a7 7 0 119.9 9.9L10 18.9l-4.95-4.95a7 7 0 010-9.9zM10 11a2 2 0 100-4 2 2 0 000 4z"
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  172.               </svg>
  173.               <p class="text-base">
  174.                   {{ shopForView.addressCity }}            
  175.               </p>
  176.             </div>
  177.           </div>
  178.           {% if shopForView.verified == true %}
  179.           <div class="mb-4">
  180.             <button
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  182.           class="w-full flex justify-center items-center bg-green-600 rounded-lg text-white p-[0.657rem] mb-3"
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  184.           <svg
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  192.             <path
  193.               d="M3.1001 15.5C3.1001 8.65091 8.65104 3.09998 15.5001 3.09998C22.3492 3.09998 27.9001 8.65091 27.9001 15.5C27.9001 22.349 22.3492 27.9 15.5001 27.9C8.65104 27.9 3.1001 22.349 3.1001 15.5ZM21.1092 13.359C21.6371 12.8311 21.6371 11.9689 21.1092 11.4409C20.5812 10.9129 19.719 10.9129 19.191 11.4409L13.9501 16.6818L11.8092 14.5409C11.2812 14.0129 10.419 14.0129 9.89103 14.5409C9.36307 15.0689 9.36307 15.9311 9.89103 16.459L12.991 19.559C13.519 20.087 14.3812 20.087 14.9092 19.559L21.1092 13.359Z"
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  197.           Etablissement vérifié par Best of Sarlat
  198.         </button> 
  199.           {% endif %}
  200.                   <div class="mb-4">
  201.             <div class="flex flex-wrap items-center mb-1">
  202. {% set rating = apiData.result.rating %}
  203. {% if rating >= 0 and rating < 0.5 %}
  204. <div class='stars-rating' style="--rating: 0;">
  205.   <div class="rating"></div>
  206. </div>
  207. {% elseif rating >= 0.5 and rating < 1.5 %}
  208. <div class='stars-rating' style="--rating: 0.5;">
  209.   <div class="rating"></div>
  210. </div>
  211. {% elseif rating >= 1.5 and rating < 2.5 %}
  212. <div class='stars-rating' style="--rating: 1.5;">
  213.   <div class="rating"></div>
  214. </div>
  215. {% elseif rating >= 2.5 and rating < 3.5 %}
  216. <div class='stars-rating' style="--rating: 2.5;">
  217.   <div class="rating"></div>
  218. </div>
  219. {% elseif rating >= 3.5 and rating < 4.5 %}
  220. <div class='stars-rating' style="--rating: 3.5;">
  221.   <div class="rating"></div>
  222. </div>
  223. {% elseif rating >= 4.5 and rating < 5 %}
  224. <div class='stars-rating' style="--rating: 4.5;">
  225.   <div class="rating"></div>
  226. </div>
  227. {% elseif rating == 5 %}
  228. <div class='stars-rating' style="--rating: 5;">
  229.   <div class="rating"></div>
  230. </div>
  231. {% endif %}
  232.               <span class="text-gray-700 font-medium mr-2 dark:text-gray-400"
  233.                 >{{apiData.result.rating}}</span
  234.               >
  235.               <span class="text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400 text-sm mr-2"
  236.                 >({{apiData.result.user_ratings_total}} avis donnés)</span
  237.               >
  238.             </div> 
  239.               <span class="text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400 text-sm mr-2">
  240.                 Note fournie par
  241.                 <a href="{{apiData.result.url}}" target="_blank" class="text-blue-500 underline">Google</a>
  242.               </span>
  243.           </div>
  244.         </div>
  245.       </div>
  246.     </div>
  247.   </div>
  248. </section>
  249. <section class="dark:bg-background pt-20 bg-bodygray lg:px-0 px-5">
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  256.           <h5
  257.             class="text-base font-medium mb-4 text-gray-700 dark:text-gray-100"
  258.           >
  259.             Description
  260.           </h5>
  261.           <p class="text-sm font-normal text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-300">
  262.             {{shopForView.about | raw}}
  263.           </p>
  264.         </div>
  265.         <div
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  271.             Photos
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  296.               {% endif %}
  297.               {% if vich_uploader_asset(shopForView, 'picture4') is not null %} 
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  305.               {% if vich_uploader_asset(shopForView, 'picture5') is not null %} 
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  310.                 />
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  312.               {% endif %}
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  320.               {% endif %}
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  422.             Les petits plus
  423.           </h5>
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  457.             Dans la même catégorie
  458.           </h1>
  459.           <p class="text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400 mb-12">
  460.             D'autres commerces qui pourraient vous convenir
  461.           </p>
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  733.               <div class="text-base text-gray-700 dark:text-gray-100">
  734.                 Horaires d'ouverture
  735.               </div>
  736.             </div>
  737.             {% if apiData.result.opening_hours.open_now == true %}
  738.                 <div class="bg-green-50 text-xs p-2 rounded-lg text-green-500">
  739.                     Ouvert actuellement
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  742.                 <div class="bg-red-500 text-xs p-2 rounded-lg text-red-500">
  743.                     Fermé
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  752.               <h6 class="font-medium w-32"></h6>
  753.               <p class="w-32 text-center">Matin</p>
  754.               <p class="w-32 text-center">Après-midi</p>
  755.             </div>
  756. {% for day in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] %}
  757.   <div class="px-6 py-3 text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400 flex justify-between">
  758.     <h6 class="font-medium w-32">
  759.       {% set dayMap = {
  760.         1: 'Lundi',
  761.         2: 'Mardi',
  762.         3: 'Mercredi',
  763.         4: 'Jeudi',
  764.         5: 'Vendredi',
  765.         6: 'Samedi',
  766.         7: 'Dimanche'
  767.       } %}
  768.       {{ dayMap[day] }}
  769.     </h6>
  770.     {% set isMorningOpen = false %}
  771.     {% set isAfternoonOpen = false %}
  772.     {% for period in apiData.result.opening_hours.periods %}
  773.       {% if period.open.day == day %}
  774.         {% set isMorningOpen = true %}
  775.         {% set openingTime = period.open.time %}
  776.         {% set closingTime = period.close.time %}
  777.         {% set formattedOpeningTime = openingTime[:2] ~ ':' ~ openingTime[2:] %}
  778.         {% set formattedClosingTime = closingTime[:2] ~ ':' ~ closingTime[2:] %}
  779.         {% set closingHour = closingTime[:2] %}
  780.         {% set isAfternoon = closingHour > '12' %}
  781.         {% if isAfternoon %}
  782.           {% set isAfternoonOpen = true %}
  783.           <p class="w-32 text-center">{{ formattedOpeningTime }} - {{ formattedClosingTime }}</p>
  784.         {% else %}
  785.           <p class="w-32 text-center">{{ formattedOpeningTime }} - {{ formattedClosingTime }}</p>
  786.         {% endif %}
  787.       {% endif %}
  788.     {% endfor %}
  789.     {% if not isMorningOpen %}
  790.       <p class="w-32 text-center">Fermé</p>
  791.     {% endif %}
  792.     {% if not isAfternoonOpen %}
  793.       <p class="w-32 text-center">Fermé</p>
  794.     {% endif %}
  795.   </div>
  796. {% endfor %}
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  806.           >
  807.             Toutes les catégories
  808.           </h4>
  809.           {% for category in allCategories %}
  810.             <a
  811.               href="{{ path('app_home_list_category', {'id' : category.id })}}"
  812.               aria-colcount=""
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  814.             >
  815.               <h6 class="font-medium">{{ category.name }}</h6>
  816.             </a>
  817.           {% endfor %}
  818.         </div>
  819.       </div>
  820.     </div>
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